Award winners 2018

Award winners 2018

Congratulations to recent award winners,
Dr Dara Stanley and Dr Denise Matias.

Dr Dara Stanley recently won the 2018 Marsh Awards for Early Career Entomologist from the Royal Entomological Society. She is currently Lecturer in Plant Ecology, in Botany & Plant Science and the Ryan Institute, at the National University of Ireland Galway, and will soon be taking up a position in Applied Entomology at University College Dublin.

We have been delighted to support Dr Stanley and her team as they create a reference collection of pollen from all the flowering plant species within the Burren region of Ireland. This project is titled: The Eva Crane Trust Pollen Reference Collection. 


Dr Denise Mathias was one of three Josef G Knoll European Science awardees of the Stiftung Fiat Panis. This was for her doctoral dissertation at Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung / Center for Development Research (ZEF). The Eva Crane Trust is proud to support her continuing work in the Philippines. Project title:  Sustainability of Community Forestry Enterprises: Indigenous Wild Honey Gathering in the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve Palawan, Philippines (University of Bonn).


For more information about projects supported by the Eva Crane Trust please visit our Case Study page

(Photos: as seen on social media platforms.)